About Ian McAllister’s Day 1 Product Management Newsletter

I made the transition into the tech industry as a software engineer, then into product management, and then into product leadership roles at Amazon over twelve years as well as Airbnb. I’ve managed and developed hundreds of product managers, and helped many grow into product leadership positions. I am PASSIONATE about the art and science of product management and also people management.

The goal of this newsletter is to share all that I’ve learned to help you break into product management, be a more successful product manager, and grow as a product leader.


This newsletter is about tech product management, though many of the topics I post about will be relevant to PM’s outside of tech and other job types. This is what I focus on:

  1. Product management career development

  2. Product management skills, tools, and techniques

  3. Product planning and roadmaps

  4. PM people management

  5. Tips for being a better communicator

Talk to me

I’d love to hear from you on Twitter at @ianmcall or follow me on LinkedIn. Feel free to share feedback or suggestions for topics you’d like me to cover.

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Actionable advice for product managers and product leaders.


Senior Director of Product for Vehicles @Uber. Founder of @AmazonSmile. Former Director of Product at @Airbnb. @ChooseSPUN's lesser half.